Saturday, April 23, 2016

Watching live sport, Volleyball in El Algar..

The teachers gave us a surprise last Friday. Just in our sport pavilion, we watched a Volleyball match in which A.D. Algar Surmenor played an exciting game. We enjoyed a lot, performing with a "big drum", supporting the team, clapping a lot and finally, celebrating the win.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Painting the walls, coloring our school, drawing the future...

Such an interesting days!!! We painted some walls in our school, and there were artists drawing amazing shapes and pictures for us.
Teachers encouraged us to be creative and use different colors in order to leave our "sign".

Click Here to visit the album with photos of our activity.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Documentos para el tercer trimestre

A continuación, ponemos a disposición de las familias los documentos con los listados de estándares que evaluaremos en este 2º trimestre en las diferentes áreas. Hacer click  con el puntero del ratón sobre el nombre del área: